Sunday through Saturday, the legal hours for the . An applicant for an employee permit (bartender/waitress . 5-7-13) Individuals who are at least 19 years of age .
Colorado has various laws regulating the legal age an . regarding what is required to become a bartender in Colorado. Colorado Regulations for .
Legal Age for Drinking/Serving Alcohol You must be 21 years old to drink alcohol or work as a bartender in Indiana, but you can work as a server in a restaurant at age 19.
Generally the term server refers to a waitperson, whereas
We have listed the STATE mandated bartending age in the table below . regulations legal bartending age about being a bartender, you should verify the correct age for your city if you are near the legal .
Bartending Age by State. State, county and city laws govern how old a . being a bartender, you should verify the correct age for your city if you are near the legal . > Wiki Answers > Categories > Law & Legal Issues > Local Laws > Bartender Requirement for Age to serve . 16/17 is good enough but serving on the floor or bartending .
Maryland Bartending knows all the regulations.. click here to learn . important laws you will need to know to be a responsible bartender include: Legal Drinking Age .
Regulations for bartenders in Illinois. Minimum age to bartend, minimum age to sell and serve. Legal BAC level for driving while intoxicated.
Bartender Regulations
These include requirements that a legal-age manager . regulations legal bartending age analysis addresses the minimum permissible ages for bartending . Statutes and regulations cited in tables on this .
First and foremost no alcohol is to be served to anyone under the age of 21. In order to sell alcohol, a bartender or another person present must have a liquor license.
In Florida, the legal drinking age is 21. Not only may . staff are required by law to check a legal. Online Bartender . There are certain rules and regulations that .
General Wisconsin Regulations. What is the legal drinking age in Wisconsin? . Bartender License + Free Wine Course! Get both the Wisc. Bartender .
Minimum legal age for tending bar in on-premises establishments are listed by state. . Minimum Age for Bartending. Twenty-four (24) states in the U.S.